Looking After Stamps
Where Do You Keep Your Stamps?
If you have assembled a valuable collection, it’s not an answer you would readily broadcast. However, the security over your collection which protects it from theft or destruction by fire or the elements is not a subject which I intend to enter into now. I want to address the somewhat less obvious threat to the health of your collection. What is more, you are not insurance against it.
For some years now I have been advising collectors who asked the question – and it is a question that is one of the most often asked – to sit down and think out carefully the answer to the heading at the top of this article – “Where do you keep your stamps?”
Because the important point is that stamps – being made usually entirely or organic materials – are sensitive to certain types of damage. If you have not been through the process of sitting down and thinking this thing through carefully, may I suggest that you take the opportunity to do just that?
After reading reasonably widely – although by all means not exhaustively – on this subject, and by observing the comments of experts and non-experts alike, I developed a form of advice which I felt answered most of the questions and I venture to suggest still does.